Madison Criswell


  1. Madison, I appreciate your project and am very interested in your findings, especially on the power of redemtive narratives. Thinking about this very practically, how might you translate this to action for individuals, family members, or perhaps for professionals who might be connected? For example, what can help encourage redemptive narratives? We are so grateful for the work that you have done with your Capstone professors this semester; you hung in there and finished up your project. Wishing you all the best! If you are graduating this semester, congratulations and please keep in touch with us, you are always a CommHusker! Dr. Dawn O. Braithwaite, Department Chair, Communication Studies

  2. Kristen Carr - Texas Christian UniversityMay 3, 2020 at 4:32 PM

    Madison, I love that your research interests align with Dan McAdams' work! He's one of my favorites. Do you think these narratives evolve over an individuals' lifespan? What health narratives might be more difficult to redeem? Which ones do you think are more prone to contamination?

  3. Hi Madison,
    I used to TA for this course in 2013 & 2014 and advised the quantitative and qualitative projects. Your poster design is top notch. While I do not have a lot of research experience in the areas that you are studying, the way that laid out the results and the attention to detail with the design made it very easy for me to learn something new. This poster presentation would be very competitive at a conference!
    Sara Baker Bailey
    c/o 2014


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