Corinne Lee


  1. Good job! Did you interview family members together or separately? I think it would be interesting to incorporate how new parents and experienced parents describe these stories differently in the future!

  2. Corinne, I am very interested in this; as you know I have been studying how strangers become family, primarily in the stepfamily context. Over the years in hundreds of stepfamily interviews we have asked stepfamily members start the interview at the point they perceive they became a family-- invariably, this point was almost often well before marriage and often before cohabitation. Your study takes the respondents back to the beginning when they were initially forming the family. This is an important step. We are so grateful for the work that you have done with your Capstone professors this semester; you hung in there and finished up your project. Wishing you all the best as you are graduating this semester Congratulations and please keep in touch with us, you are always a CommHusker! Dr. Dawn O. Braithwaite, Department Chair, Communication Studies

  3. Kristen Carr - Texas Christian UniversityMay 3, 2020 at 4:26 PM

    Corinne, this is such a meaningful area of inquiry! It intersects with my own area of research, which is related to family resilience and posttraumatic growth. I'd imagine that the "Reframe" probably facilitates resilience and posttraumatic growth among these families. I wonder, to what extent could helping families reframe their introduction stories as an intervention be a good practical application? Nicely done!

  4. Corinne,

    Interesting work! You found some interesting storytelling aspects within the lived talk of your participants. I am curious about the types of families reflected in your study. You mention that it is outside of birth/adoption stories, and I'm curious how stepfamilies, adoptive families, families of choice, and other types of families may have been reflected through your analysis. This goes to show just how much potential your study has for a line of research! Great work!


  5. Corinne, I am so glad to see family communication research focusing on "becoming family". It must have been difficult to put all of your findings on one poster as I am really wanting to see more information! I'm curious to know why you decided to framed this as a study on "becoming a family" and not "transition to parenthood" (also a worthy topic of study) as there is a lot in common with that concept. Well done!


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